Instructor Training Saas Fee

Our ten week September to December course is designed to get you qualified during the Autumn. This will enable you to find work instructing for the winter season.

What’s included?

  • BASI level 1 and 2 exams

  • 200+ hours of snowboard coaching

  • First Aid course

  • Child protection module

  • 70+ hours snowboard school experience

  • 1 year BASI membership

  • Board testing with Burton Snowboards

  • Lift Pass

  • Off snow fitness sessions

  • Backcountry mountain Safety clinic

  • Creation of online C.V with mini edit

  • Board tuning clinic

  • Equipment offers from Burton & Spektrum

  • Option for coaching exam

  • Half board accommodation

  • Accommodation in Saas Fee

  • Swiss tourist tax

  • Discount cards for local restaurants & bars

Weekly Schedule

Week 1: Level 1 Training

The first week will focus on getting you geared up and ready for your level one exam in Week 2. You will be introduced to the BASI snowboard philosophy and get to grips with some of the important basics.

The first few days is dedicated to learning through repetition of the basic movements and becoming familiar and comfortable with the BASI terminology. As well as working on your fundamental technical riding you will also have the opportunity to deliver a session on the hill.   As it will be the first time teaching in situ it will be relaxed and fairly informal, but detailed feedback will be given on the structure of your session and how to improve in order to deliver a clear, precise and safe lesson, in order to get through your level one exam.

At the end of each week, there will be a one-on-one debrief with the coach so you know how you are progressing and in what areas you might need to work harder. By the end of week one, you will feel confident and ready for your level one exam.

Week 2: Level 1 Exam

This is a five-day on-snow exam delivered by a BASI examiner. The technical element will be marked on your central theme, ie, your basic riding; from a straight run maneuver to a basic turn and a standard turn. You will also have to perform some simple carve-style turns and some basic freestyle moves. During the exam, you will plan and deliver a short lesson to the rest of the group. The beauty of the BASI style of examining is that it’s a constant assessment of your skills over the 5 day period rather than a single appraisal on an individual run or test.

The BASI examiner will be on hand to coach and guide you through your exam week. If you are unsuccessful in achieving a pass on the exam, it is likely that you will just need a bit more coaching and work before retaking the level again within the 9 week period.

With all the examining process for both the level one and two exams, the trainer will always be looking at the whole instructor package. From how you ride, to how you teach and how you interact with others in the group, to what time you arrive to each session. Remember it’s not just about being an awesome rider, it is about being an awesome Snowboard Instructor.

Week 3-7: Level 2 Training

After the completion of the level one exam, you will be straight into training for the level two.

At this point, the standard is ramped up and your riding has to become stronger (over the 5 week period) and you will learn to deliver a great variety of lessons. The level one qualification could be looked at as a badge for teaching in a small environment, like a snow dome, whereas the level two qualification is geared towards teaching and instructing all over the mountain.

Daily coaching sessions on the hill will be working on your personal riding skills, as well as developing your teaching. Video feedback sessions will help develop your technical riding as well as your ability to analyse other people’s riding, which is a key skill to becoming a quality instructor.

This training period will include specific freeride and freestyle sessions. 

During these weeks everyone will complete the child protection module, the mountain-specific first-aid course, and the required snowboard school shadowing hours.

Week 8-10: Level 2 Exam

This is what you have been training for throughout the course. It will be a 10 day on-snow assessment of your technical riding, your teaching ability and your overall professionalism. Your BASI examiner will need to be able to picture you in a Snowboard school uniform, giving clear, safe and precise instructions to a group of snowboarders, performing technically strong and giving smooth demonstrations to the group.

The ten-day exam will be split into two blocks of five days. The exam will be a constant assessment rather than culminating in one assessment at the end. During the second week, there will be a short written paper, testing your knowledge of the BASI product.

After successfully completing your level 2 exam you will be issued with your level 2 BASI Snowboard Licence and you will be qualified to teach anywhere in the world.

About Saas Fee, Switzerland

Saas Fee has an almost mythical status in the snowboarding community. It has become an annual pilgrimage for any seasoned pro rider wanting to get their game on lock before the competition winter kicks off. It is the number one location to ride at this time of year. Our programs run in Saas Fee throughout the Summer and Autumn and finish as the northern hemisphere kicks off its winter. The Saas Fee glacier is the perfect training ground for the BASI level one and two course. During the course Saas Fee will open up more of the mountain as the seasons change and snow begins to fall.

We have teamed up with the Park Hotel which is our accommodation venue. The stylish and comfortable traditional Swiss Hotel is located in the town centre and a short walk to the lift station. You will be enjoying the awesome Park Hotel food for breakfast and evening meal each day.

Get qualified before the winter begins!

Dates and Prices

Course Dates
23.09.24 – 29.11.24
11,500 CHF