Snowpack safety Guide

May 14th, 2024

Snowpark Safety Guide

1. Features will be clearly labelled like the piste. Starting at green which will be easiest and finishing with black which are for advanced riders.

2. Always check the feature before attempting to hit it. You may have been taking on the same feature every day for a week but shapes can change overnight so take a look before the start of each session, go for a dry run.

3. Always good to watch other riders hit the feature you want to ride, this way you can get an idea of where to drop in from. Nothing worse than under cooking it but at the same time you don’t want to be sailing over the knuckle still going up!

4. Make sure there is no one on the landing before attempting to hit a feature. If in any doubt don’t go.

5. Never try something too far outside your comfort zone, remember to always be in control. Every body loves a hero but be careful as your best day ever can turn into your worst in a split second.

6. Alert other park users that you are dropping into a feature this could be done by a simple hand in the air or by shouting dropping.

7. If you do fall, try and move away from the landing zone as quickly as possible so you are visible and in a safe place.

8.If a feature is closed don't hit it!

9.If you witness an accident or are involved in one , go through the correct steps. Make area safe, make sure casualty is comfortable and inform the park crew of what has happened.

10. Always have respect for others. Learn the snowpark safety guide.

If you are looking to ride the snowpark come take a session Freestyle sessions.

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